Tuesday, January 15, 2013

It's all out there!

We just finished two weeks of really hard work in the Live Arts Family. We felt it important to honor the 10th anniversary of 9/11 in the same way that we honored it 9 years ago - with a performance of the Mozart Requiem. We did two performances of that piece on 9/11/11. It was very hard work but, I'm alive and can sing - I sang for those who cannot sing, talk or hold their loved ones ever again. The next day I began production week for HMS Pinafore - every night of the week. I was staged as a "sister, cousin, or aunt" and also in charge of making the stage look as the stage director liked for it to look . We had a fantastic cast and it was a joy working with them.
It's always the details that keep me shaking my head. For example - sign-in sheets. . every rehearsal - every performance - they have to be there; there are the problems in the chorus - including two smelly, literally, members that I will have to address head-on. I do get tired of the minutiae but its my job to deal with that. That way, the conductor does not have to cope with that. Everyone's problems are huge to them. . but imagine if they all individually dumped them on one person.
My voice is shot. . it's tired and I'm not sure that the change in the weather hasn't brought on a bit of a sinus thing.
I have put it all out there. Honestly, the last two weeks when other people were lamenting having to be at a rehearsal on time - they have no idea what I do before they even show up to make that experience the best it can be. All I ever hear is the complaints. Sometimes I have to stop myself. . .yes, traffic was terrible but how about traffice was terrible for me too, I had a meeting until 5:30 have been at work since 7:30 and, oh yes, I find the time to make sign in sheets, make sure the room is set up for your comfort, send emails, coordinate lists of who is where and who isn't. . . .
People are unappreciative. They really don't have any idea. And, honestly, you really cannot expect them to care. It is very rare that you find someone who will say, "Hey, I don't know how you do all of this - and do it well." Because, I feel like I do it well. I can always do it better. I shake my head. . .the most recent headshaking event. . not ONE soprano came forward to volunteer to be section leader. So, an alto is going to do it. I refuse to beg them to take on the responsibility that its obvious would overwhelm them - or, let's be honest - they just don't want to do.
It's okay. . I realize that people have other issues and that no one knows the battle others are fighting.
Turn about is fair play - no one knows my battle or the conductor's battle or the general manager's battle or the marketing director's battle. . no one. But we are "public property" and don't get the luxury of frustration.
So - now I've blogged it. .and it's gone. And, tomorrow, I'll put it all out there again.

Sing more than you do!

On loosing things. .. Hard to believe I haven't blogged on this site in almost 2 years. Maybe the Sound of Music was too much :) Anyway, I've lost track of time [here is the theme of the day]; I'm losing weight again; I've lost friends to death; I've lost my focus at work; I've lost free time as the responsibility load as a volunteer chorister/chorale manager has escalated. . . some are necessary and welcome losses. Losing things is not what I do. As a matter of fact, I'm the one who organizes things. I wish people knew how much of a facade that is. It causes me to chuckle when people say, "Oh, but you're so organized". I'm just lucky. I'm in the middle of organizing the second Live Arts Maryland Gala that I've "co-chaired". I say that with my tongue firmly in cheek because it sure feels like I've "Chair-chaired". That's another blog for another day. I've lost hair, nails, time, energy, sanity and everything else trying to insure that the people who I care the most about - the Live Arts Maryland Choristers - will have a chorus to sing with in the future. It should be great though. Last year I think I netted @ $7500 which is piffle in my book. I would certainly like to net more like $10000 this year. Just recently accepted the donation of a Grand Piano - I hope someone bids on it. With that, I just might be over the top. And then I lose my heart when I realize that $10000 can be spent by this organization in less than a month. It's hard to keep plugging. Most of the choristers have no idea how much time and energy it takes to raise the kind of money we need to stay afloat. Very few of them do anything except criticize decisions - which, by the way, have kept them singing though a recession when other groups were closing doors. But I digress - I lose focus. I'm going to lose my blog apathy and start blogging again. I think its good for me to get it out of my system and get things on "paper". It helps me to think. So look for more as I get back into the swing. I certainly should start with new chorister. . well, new to this blog. . .who is another wing nut. I wonder, do other Chorales have wingnuts in them too? I'll blog more about her and the Gala as I go. Keep your fingers crossed and wish me luck. PJeever

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Still at it

We just finished The Sound of Music with an amazing cast, fantastic orchestra, and versatile conductor - who managed to call light cues, blocking, and do his job at the same time. But, that's the people involved. . let's talk about that intangible spirit.

Beginning with the show itself. . . where does that spirit come from in the first place? This musical has spoken to the world. We know all the music. We know all the lines. . we, the people of the world, have embraced this show and it crosses our differences in many ways. For me it was the fulfillment of a lifetime dream - to be cast in The Sound of Music. I was a nun with a song and two lines but I was happy and pleased to do so. Oh, and I coordinated props and ran the show also. . simple things.

Our kids were amazing. Not a cross word out of them. No tears, no meltdown. Just simple compliance and doing what they were asked to do. . . no Toddlers in Tiaras here. Just nice, nice kids.

This show means an amazing amount to me. For one thing, our first performance was on the 19th anniversary of my father's death. This was especially poignant to me as I walked on the stage and used the gift he gave me. . his legacy of song. In addition, I watch SOM every year and I cry every time at the opening scene and it all just buries in my heart.

Our audiences loved it. . they were packed in there and the leapt to their feet each night. Because they too love the Sound of Music.

It's amazing. It's love. Pure and simple. Somehow Richard and Oscar reached down through decades and touched each of us with love. And we love them back.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Weirdness fo the Choral Musician

We're all geeks.
People who do choral music for free are geeks and we should warmly embrace that label. Take for instance our chorus - in all its iterations - weird.

1. "Oh my God, he hates my voice". He really doesn't but all of us, me included, get all wrapped up in whether "he" likes the voice or not - as if it is a measure of our own worth that one person in a hundred doesn't like what we sound like.
2. [pouty face] "I dont' want to stand with _______"
Unfortunately, in our chorus, you won't find two choristers who actually like each others sound either. Very few people want to stand next to anyone not of their own choosing. I envision this scenario: Okay - everyone stand next to people you want to stand next to all the time - go. . .now. . those of you who feel like crap because no one wants to stand near you - you sit on the side. Geez. And here's the other weird thing - they think they get to choose where they stand, LOL. [This leads to a whole other discussion about submitting to the authority of the conductor, but no time for that here].
3. "But, I wasn't cast/put in small ensemble/etc." [pouty face] - we've all been there. Goes to our egos - choristers are egotistical - we thing we're as good or better than the next guy all the time. Again, LOL.
4. "I'm not really going to say what I mean but I'm going to say something". This goes to preserving our own hides whiile trying to make a point - LOL.

Recently, we've received a mysterious friend request from "Clueless Chorister". Analysis: Passive - aggressive or painfully shy; secretive and therefore suspect - saying things that can be read both ways; psychotic? Yet to be seen.

This goes to the straightforward thing. . . JUST say what you want and who you are.

Being the Rehearsal MANAGER can be a landmine of interpersonal relationships and you get used to the ideaa that you please no one. Take for instance our gig at SSHS where the man running the place, anonymous, said that I told him it was "his job" to . . . whatever. Fast forward two weeks later in discussion with a teacher at that venerable institution - "Oh my god, we've been trying to get rid of him for years. He's a lousy________. Even forced him to interview at a middle school. " I feel vindicated - he apparently makes things up that people say :) Of course, can I tell my conductor that - probably not - as he woudln't believe me and just think it was CYA. So, I suck it up. Wouldn't do any good to bring it up anyway.

See what I mean - weirdness. People who are Choral musicians are just weird.
We show up and rehearse with people we don't seem to like, with a conductor we don't seem to agree with, in a room we hate, doing music that we despise to look at during the week and we still expect that we will be treated well LOL

And thus ends my rambling for the day.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas - I've been gone a long time

Christmas is upon me again. . year 26 with Live Arts Maryland.
That's a long time committment.

This year has been very difficult trying to multi-task and maintain the focus necessary to sing well and keep the faith. I gain victories in small things. . . making things seamless is the best reward.

my voice is tired, I am tired and still a week of Messiah and then Christmas Week. . .I've done NO shopping.

Today I asked for help from some friends. I would really like to get it but I have a feeling they will just ignore it. It's so easy to stand and just sing. I said "yes" and with that 'Yes" came the realization that the job was hard. I think its made the choruses life easier - I hope so. I heard from one or two people last night who thanked me. . funny thing - it wasn't my closest friends. . .I don't understand that and it makes me a little sad. . .

Follow this


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Simple words

Thank you
Thank you for the simplest words
Words like, "Good job".
Words such as, "My money's on you"
Words are so simple.
And sometimes you think they are wasted
They are never wasted
Each word falls like balm into the soul
Every word of encouragement - where there is far too little encouragement - delivers peace to a troubled heart
Never mistake that words are powerful, powerful
With a word you can turn the tide
With a word you can heal a wound or rip a heart wide open - so far that it may not ever heal
With a word you can forgive
You can also forget
Forget wrongs
Forget pain
Forget unappreciation
Forget slights
With a word - or two
Words like "I forgive"
Words that sound like "I'm sorry"
Words that heal